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Monday, September 16, 2013

Motivation Monday: I Can Do Hard Things, I Can Accomplish Great Things, I Can Be the Person I Want To Be

Last week I read this article called "11 Things Powerful Women Say to Themselves." The article illustrates this by using photos of sticky notes with phrases written on them. Among those included were "I will wake up motivated," "I will go to the gym," "I will talk to that cute coffee shop guy," and "I will dominate any task at work."

Most of these sayings resonate with me as I try every day to overcome my insecurities and weaknesses and live up to the potential I know I have. But the last phrase the article shared—"I will end the day knowing that I am a fierce awesome lady"—brought to mind my personal mantra that I came up with back in 2010.

That phrase is as follows: I am a beautiful daughter of God. I can do hard things. I can accomplish great things. I can be the person I want to be.

I actually designed a very basic little printout of this mantra and have it hanging on my door. I don't always refer to it as often as I should, but when I first came up with it, I would repeat it every morning. If I have a hard trial or just a hard day, this phrase pops into my head.

Reading the article I mentioned above reminded me of the power of a personal mantra, and I've decided to refer to it more often in my life.

Developing a personal mantra is listed as the first tip in "How to Get Motivated—8 Tips to Break Your Motivational Funk." I also loved this little post "The Power of a Personal Mantra," which shares suggestions for mantras and's similar posts will advice for coming up with your own mantra.

So today, I invite you to come up with your own mantra. Or share what you already have! Remember you are awesome. And have a good week.


  1. Hi Karianne, I know we haven't really talked since study abroad, but I just wanted you to know how much I'm enjoying reading your blog everyday - especially Motivational Mondays. You always find such good quotes to share and have such an upbeat attitude. I'm going to share this mantra with the girls I teach in YW. Thank you!

    1. Lauren! Thank you so much for your comment and it's nice to hear from you. 1) I'm glad you are following along and 2) I'm so glad you enjoy it! I'm glad you are going to share with your YW...and if you find any great quotes, send 'em my way! I'm always looking for ideas. You rock!

  2. My companion and I used to write "personal affirmations" and read them every morning before we went out proselyting. I think one of them was, "We will talk to every person we meet and treat them as a child of God." I'm not sure how effective it was, but I think it helped us remember our goals and, like you said, who we wanted to be.

