Monday, June 24, 2013

Motivation Monday: Stop Talking, Begin Doing

Just another manic Monday, wish it were Sunday. 

It seems that no one really likes Mondays. Usually Monday means the masses all sludge back to work, stop playing, and head back to their scheduled weekday obligations. 

I no longer fit that mold. Here it is Monday morning. I'm not at the office. I'm not in a classroom. But I am taking the advice from Walt Disney to "begin doing." 

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney

I definitely fall into the pattern of talking. talking. talking. I want to have things planned, be in control, and simply know what I'm doing. However, sometimes I talk too much, and I simply need to start DOING and let things work out however they may. 

I'm excited about the opportunity I've created for myself. Really the sky is the limit and I'm able to pursue some things I've been talking about for a long time, some things that I truly am passionate about. 

Here's to many more passionate and motivating Mondays! 

More importantly, here's to doing! 

Question: What's something you've talked about but need to actually do? What's holding you back? 

1 comment:

  1. I just dealt with this in my own life. When we first moved I wanted to stain the barrister and railing but I wasn't sure what to do so I put it off. However, I went to a friends house and she had done hers and it looked great. It made me realize I could just do it. I went home that night and started the first coat (there are four) I am still working on the loft sections but the rest of it looks great. So glad I did it. The other thing I've been talking about is painting my kitchen - that will be next.

