Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sometimes Google is deceiving

Tuesday morning I woke to a cricket chirping as the sun began to shine in through the window.

This scene almost seems like a fantastic way to start the morning...right?

Well, that chirping very quickly became distracting and unsettling. Why do I hear a cricket in my apartment?

I needed to get up anyways, and as I walked from my bedroom through the kitchen and living room, I tried to get an idea of where this chirping was coming from. I didn't actually KNOW the sound was a cricket, but it was my best guess. I quickly decided that the sound seemed to be the loudest by my refrigerator. But the sound would start and stop, and since I needed to head out to teach a Zumba class, I ate breakfast and left with the decision to just see if the sound continued later on.

That afternoon I studied for my AFAA certification test in my apartment and unsurprisingly didn't notice the lack of chirping. Until it started again that evening. At this point I investigated my refrigerator area once again...but was the sound coming from the appliance or some insect in my apartment?

Like any technology-loving individual, I turned to Google, the all-knowing source that has the answer to any question. After searching a couple phrases related to crickets, chirping, and refrigerators, I found that chirping is actually a common sound for fridges to make when fan motors go out. Hmm ok. That's probably a bit more likely that my having a cricket in the apartment...a sneaky one that stops making noise when I open the fridge door or nudge the appliance.

I decided to call my landlord the next day to have her check out the fridge. But the chirping continues. And continues. And continues. I finally decide to completely move the fridge away from the wall. 

Guess what I found?

A cricket.

Yes, a cricket. I quickly got rid of the creature and then googled my search terms again because I was baffled at how common a chirping refrigerator seemed to be.

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