Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Camping is for...Ortiz's!

Hahaha. Ha ha ha. Yea, that title is not funny. But for some reason it totally made me laugh. Again and again.

Well, guess what. Jake and I finally broke out our camping gear and headed up the nearby Hobble Creek Canyon past Springville, Utah for a short overnight stay. We have been trying to go for a couple weeks, but the rainy weather has scared us off for a little while.

Jake is definitely a camping person. I caught on pretty quickly that he is ALL ABOUT an authentic camping experience. I mention roasting sticks; he prefers whittling a stick. I mention a sleeping pad; he insists camping is about sleeping on the ground. What should we eat? Tin foil dinners of course! We had a blast and it was really cute to see Jake get so dang happy about camping, and playing with fire, and looking for kindling.

We went with my friend Kailee and her new fiancee Dan. (Not that she had an old fiancee. They are just recently engaged - Oct. 10, 2014!) We couldn't leave at the same time and didn't know exactly where we'd end up...which proved to be slightly problematic when we realized we had NO phone reception. So after we found our spot, I left Jake to set up and I drove the 20 minutes back down the canyon to deliver the message to Kailee where we were.

The night before we left, Jake set up the tent in our living room to make sure he had all the pieces. I wasn't around at the time, and even though he sent me a picture, I didn't realize how small the tent is. It's a two-man tent, which is perfect for us...I just was caught off guard haha. But it was cute and warm and comfy snuggly next to that hot hubby of mine.

We are already planning our next camping adventure! Suggestions? Send them my way.

Jake REALLY likes his Capri Sun. Don't you LOVE his hat? :D

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