Monday, October 14, 2013

Motivation Monday: You Are Stronger and More Capable Than You Realize

Happy Monday once again! I've kinda been a blogging slacker this past week, but wow, I've had a good run. After initially quitting my job, I knew I would need something to keep me accountable and motivated. For me, that has been my blog. I hope to continue keeping up as much speed as I've maintained the past couple months, but will probably allow more leniency as well. 

Today's Motivation Monday is another quote by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf from the Priesthood Session of the October 2013 General Conference. Apparently Uchtdorf just speaks to me. 

"You are stronger than you realize. You are more capable than you can imagine. You can do it now."

Uchtdorf states this phrase near the end of his address, and I love the example he shares to demonstrate his point. While skiing, Uchtdorf fell and—seriously—couldn't get up. That is, until he's grandson came over and simple said "You can do it now."

And he did. 

What does this say to me? Well usually the only person keeping me from succeeding at whatever! Whether the task be physical, emotional, mental, or anything else, a main key in being about to accomplish it is your personal attitude and dedication. That said, sometimes we all just need a little reminder that, hey, we CAN do this. And sometimes all we need is someone else to believe in us too. 

Several weeks ago I was talking with my oldest sister about how I hadn't been feeling very productive. I lacked my usual drive. I lacked my go-getter and productivity seeking personality. I felt like I wasn't accomplishing any of the things I needed to be doing and was instead falling further behind and, as a result, feeling overwhelmed. Being the sister with a just-do-it attitude, she immediately grabbed a pen and paper and asked me, "Well, what do you need to get done tomorrow."

She wrote everything down and followed up with the next evening. Guess what. I accomplished everything I needed to. 

We've done this for a couple weeks now, and I've seen that little extra accountability building my personal attitude of oh yea, I can do this.

I like to remember those simple phrases from President Uchtdorf when I think about things I want to accomplish or do...or be. I am strong. I am capable. And I can do whatever I need to do. Really. 

And so can you. 

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