Why are we so often more inclined to fear than we are to move forward with confidence in ourselves? How often do we NOT do something because we don't think we can, that we aren't worthy, that we are inadequate? I don't want to live a life dictated by my fears. I want to live confidently and make bold decisions.
Oh wait, this is kinda reminding me of my posts about making extraordinary decisions, my personal mantra about being able to accomplish great things, and my thoughts on being you and stop defining who you aren't.
Which is why I loved this quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf's address in the Saturday morning session of the General Conference of the LDS Church.
"Doubt your doubts before you doubt you faith."
Why do we typically doubt our faith first? Why do we question our abilities?
As I was writing this, I had something on the back of my mind that I was hesitant to accept. That situation may not have been straight up doubt, but I realized that I just needed to embrace the situation and doubt my doubt.
Are you doubting something? Now think...is that thing your doubt or your faith. If it's your faith (positive things about the great person you are and the great potential you hold), reevaluate the situation. Turn it around and choose to doubt your doubt instead.
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