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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Conquering Choreography

Perhaps the toughest (maybe "time-consuming" is better) aspect of teaching fitness classes (at least some formats) is mastering the choreography. Before you see a new routine or round in a class, your instructor has likely listened to the song on repeat, practiced the moves, and rehearsed the whole thing several times. 

I've often heard of instructors who are actually sick of a song before it ever becomes "public" (to their classes of course).

I also think everyone has their own process of learning choreo. Sometimes it clicks quickly. Sometimes it takes fooorrreeeevvveeer. 

What's my process for learning choreography? (Not create my own.)

First, I find a choreography I like/need to learn. I either watch a video of it or maybe I do it full out with the video. 

Then I listen to the music. My goal is to be able to picture exactly what the choreo is with each part of the song. I listen. I listen. I listen some more. If there are parts that I can not remember the choreography to, I go back to the video of choreography.

I watch the video and make sure to memorize the parts I couldn't previously remember. 

I listen to the music again. And again. And again. I do this until I am spot on about visualizing the moves with the music. 

Then I mark the choreography (do it half energy) with the song. Depending on how I do, I'll do it in class. If I need some work, I continue working with the music. 

Usually if I'm able to visualize the movements, I have a pretty easy time actually doing them. Sometimes there are elements of a song that are tricky, so I'll make sure to do those portions full out. 

Please share your tips and tricks for mastery pre-choreographed steps. Sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode! 

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