Wednesday, April 8, 2015

We're Moving!

Our moving date is inching closer and closer; although recently the days are flying rather than inching.

We've known this move has been coming officially for about eight months, and though plans and locations have changed, the idea of moving has always seemed far off. In March we received our first official orders and have slowly been finalizing the Florida!

Recently I've been looking at the calendar and internally freaking out at how quickly everything is coming up. I'm experiencing a bit of weird acceptance, I suppose, because everything still seems far off and theoretical but I know it's actually not.

In fact, as of right now we only have about 40 days until the move.

And in those 40 days we are fitting in multiple mini milestones counting down to our departure are sure to make things fly by even more. This week is Jake's spring break (and he's in Arizona for some Air Force stuff) and we are heading to Moab this weekend. Then Jack has less than a week left of student teaching, and we have my birthday, Jake's commissioning and Jake graduation. (Plus family in town.) Then we only have a week or so before my last day at my BYU job and then my last day of teaching classes. Oh and our one-year anniversary falls in that span too.

I also have several classic Provo/Utah activities I want to fit in before we leave. Oh and people to see. And I guess we'll have to fit in actually packing and cleaning. Oh that. (Although we will have movers - yay!)

There's a lot going on, but Jake and I are both excited. (I think I will be even more so when things finally really set in.)

We are facing a lot of unknowns and firsts, especially working through the process of moving within the military. We have applied for housing and contacted the moving department, but don't have anything set in stone yet. I'm learning we have to sit back and wait for things to fall in place, i.e. we can't plan things out as far as I'd like.

I have been connecting with other spouses in the area we're moving to and getting an idea for the area, housing, and Jake's program. (Everyone is really positive and loves the area.) I'm also connecting with the Zumba community and hoping to quickly pick up some classes. It will be interesting to adjust and explore the new opportunities. Good things are in store.

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