Monday, January 6, 2014

Motivation Monday: Simplicity

Saturday I spent most of my day packing up Christmas decor, which then led to some deep cleaning and organizing. I've been doing this a lot lately, and I decided an appropriate theme for me this January is "simplicity."

Why do I like this theme? 

I think I'm in constant pursuit to improve my life and become a better person. When I think about simplicity, I think about a life that is free from distractions, a life in which I can focus on what matters to me, where I'm only surrounded by things (physical, mentally, emotionally) that contribute to me being the best me, where I feel on top of my responsibilities, where I just DO things rather than dwelling on any possible hurdle.

That, to me, is simplicity. Let's keep things simple. 

Here are some of the things I've done so far:
* Majorly cleaned out my clothing closet
* Sold/given away things I've had sitting around waiting to be sold
* Organized my storage closet
* Organized and consolidated my kitchen
* Started organizing my finances and bank accounts so they aren't so darn complicated 
* Went down to only teaching 9 classes a week (compared to 13+)

Here are some things I want to do:
* Establish a simple financial plan with money automatically going where it needs to go, so I can simply follow the plan and not have to move money manually so often.
* Implement a consistent billing process for my clients
* Simply put things back where they belong when I am done using/wearing them
* Strive to keep surfaces clear in my home
* Dedicate specific time each week to gradually learn choreography (rather than stressing and adding new stuff all at once)
* Continue ridding my life of junk (includes next going through my bookshelves, bathroom cabinets, and various other storage)
* Focus on doing rather than planning or perfection. I tend to focus on the later and then may not do anything at all. (e.g. reading a column of scripture rather than fretting about a long study, clearing off one section of a cabinet rather than trying to find time for a big cleaning extravaganza, texting someone a quick hello rather than trying to schedule a lunch date, etc. etc.)

And so much more. 
So there you have it. My motivational focus for this lovely January of what I believe is going to be an excellent year. Here's to 2014. (P.S. I have an odd prejudice against odd numbers...I love even numbers. 4 is my favorite. 14 is my second favorite. I'm excited about 2014.)

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