Monday, December 16, 2013

Motivation Monday: May Your Choices Reflect Your Hopes, Not Your Fears

I know it's been a little while since I posted...Today, however, I needed a little Motivation Monday and found snippets of inspiration in some quotes from Nelson Mandela.

In light of the South African leader's recent passing, I believe the timing is appropriate to reflect on some of his words for inspiration and motivation in my own life.

My approach for Motivation Monday today is a little different than usual. First, I'm not designing anything. And second, I'm using more than one quotation. My thoughts follow each one.

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." 

I admit, this excerpt reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Taylor Swift. No, Ms. Swift is not a person I believe one can even try to compare to Nelson Mandela. However, the idea of fearlessness is one I love. (See my thoughts on Taylor Swift's quote here in 2008 and here in 2012. Both are from my old blog.)

There are lots of things I'm afraid of in life. The unknown. Failing. Being alone. Not fulfilling my potential. Being insignificant. Every day, fears—whether we recognize them or not—creep into our lives. This does not mean that we can't accomplish the things we want to accomplish in life. This does not mean that we need to give up.

Fears exist for us to overcome. Fears exist to allow us to grow.

I can be courageous by moving forward despite my fears. I show bravery toward the unknown by taking whatever efforts I need to take in order to conquer my fear. Be fearless, Karianne. Embrace what you know. Focus on the positive and move forward with the opposite of fear: faith.

"There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."

Those who have known me the past several years know that I'm always striving to break out of my comfort zone. To never settle. To push myself to my limits. I don't see the point in living what could be deemed a "small" life, as referenced here. There are some things I believe allow you to live happily. And sometimes those things require you to make focus on what YOU value. And sometimes you have to abandon the expectations and traditional routes others pursue. I don't want to live a life doing things I don't love or am not passionate about. I want to pursue my true interests and chase after my true dreams. I believe by doing so, by striving to live a "large life," other things, like money and life necessities, will follow. And that is one approach that I believe leads to living a happy life.

"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears." 

Again, this excerpt reminds me of other inspirational sources. Those sources include the address "Lord, I Believe," by Jeffrey R. Holland at the April 2013 General Conference. Elder Holland is comparing faith and fear, but I believe the idea is similar: recognize your faith before you recognize your fears. Additional, Russell M. Nelson shares the following in his address "Face the Future With Faith." "We do not need to let our fears displace our faith. We can combat those fears by strengthening our faith."

I don't want to live a life led by fears. I don't want to live a passive life where I let things come as they may. I want to go after what I desire. I want to embrace the unknown. I want to work hard to have amazing things in my life. Those are things that are worth it. I want to live a courageous life. I don't want to be bound by fear. I want to release my hope and build my faith.

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