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Friday, September 6, 2013

Fight Procrastination Today!

Did you know that today—Sept. 6—is National Fight Procrastination Day?

I'm a terrible procrastinator. Sometimes it takes me forever to do things. Overcoming this is something I am working on every single day. 

PsychologyToday posted a few years ago some strategies to help procrastinators fight the urge to put things off—the top strategy being pre-commitment. What strategies can you put in place ahead of time to prevent you from procrastinating? (Think the example of throwing away unhealthy food so you won't eat it later while you are on a diet.) The article mentions perhaps setting up some sort of time blocker for your internet usage to help you stay on task. 

I've personally opted to NOT have internet in my home. This is annoying sometimes, yes. But I also find that I'm more able to stay on task, have incentive to get out of my house and working on things, and actually get to sleep occasionally without this additional distraction.

I also enjoyed Real Simple's article "How to Stop Procrastinating" includes the following tips:
1. Do the worst thing first
2. Start your day over at 2 p.m.
3. Make the job smaller
4. Create an audience
5. Race the clock
6. Don't interrupt yourself
7. Plan an unprocrastination day (I need this!)
So today find something you've been putting off and just DO IT! Tell me how you do. 
My project is to finally organize my finances according to my new streams of income. Wish me luck. 

And while you procrastinate that contemplate what to do, here are some additional comics to enjoy. 

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