Happy Monday folks! Wow, it seems like it's been a long time since...last Monday. Not so. It has only been one lovely week or seven lovely days. How did that go for you? My week went pretty great. I'm excited about the progress I made, meager as it was.
I selected today's motivational quote as a reminder to go after what you want. I'm not really the kind of person who dwells on regrets, but I'm trying to embrace the opportunities I have right now to "sail away from the safe habor" as Mark Twain states. I don't want to be the one who lives my life only doing the expected, responsible things. I'm lucky to be in a position where taking a leap of faith and making things happen are possible and not too incredibly risky for me. But it would be SO incredibly easy NOT to take that leap. Leading up to my decision to stop working fulltime, I had several opportunities present themselves, and it would have been easy to toss out my plans and go with another option—a responsible, expected one. My thought is that there will always be another opportunity to make that kind of decision. Today, I'm throwing off the bowlines and striving to focus more on the opportunities to explore, dream, and discover.
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