Monday, March 25, 2013

My life in Instagrams

Believe it or not, I've been thinking about this blog A LOT lately. I have dozens of pictures to share, articles to write, ideas to develop, and projects to unveil. Today, however, someone (ahem, my sister Christiane who mostly shares her awesomeness at asked if she had been missing my feed. Because she hadn't seen anything from me in AGES.

I suppose that was motivation enough. To get back into my blogging grove, I'm using an idea from Life By Lex called My Week Recent Life in Instagrams.

Though I haven't been blogging much, I do share an occasional picture. Check out what I've been up to! (Oh, and definitely follow me on Instagram.)

Back in February, I traveled to Los Angeles for my first Zumba Fitness Instructor Conference. It was pretty awesome. I started a blog post or two about that but never finished. :P 

I was inspired by Zupas BBQ Chicken to start making a FANTASTIC salad at home. All. the. time. Seriously, people, I ate this twice a day for a like week. I'm currently out of some of the ingredients, so I've taken a break. Oh, and don't forget a good protein shake!

I drive a manual. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. On this particular day I was in a hurry and parked to run into the library to pick up some items on hold. I came out to find this! Yikes! Luckily there was no damage...the situation could have been a LOT worse.

I went out for Chinese food with some friends and of course we had fortune cookies. Oh hey, my next business venture will be very profitable. I gotta remember that. More to come on this later. 

Tracking stuff is awesome. I've been wanting to track how many calories I burn in my Zumba class and spent a few weeks researching heart rate monitors. I ended up with a Polar FT4. I'm still working out some issues, but I'm loving this watch! (Last week, the monitor strap that goes around my waist fell off during my warmup. Today I accidentally stopped tracking the workout 20 minutes in. Oops!)

I currently teach six Zumba classes a week. I teach back-to-back classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays. By the end of Thursday, I am POOPED! Sometimes these type of pictures find their existence late at night. 

If you know me, you know I love Hungry Girl. This is one of my go-to recipes: Crispy white chicken pizza. (You can see a previous mention of this yummy delight here.) Yum, yum, yum. 

It's SPRING! And that means some spring cleaning. This is the result from my first round through my closet. (Click the picture to see exactly what I have piled here.) Next I'm hitting my craft supplies! (I'm planning to sell a lot.) I'm moving in a month and definitely want to get rid of stuff. 

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